Guoyuan New Materials




Molecular formula: C16H18O2

Molecular weight: 242

CAS NO: 2417-04-1

Packing: 25kg/barrel

Product quality standard

Appearance: White-like powder

Melting point: 220.0-226.0 ℃

Content: ≥ 99.9% (LC)

Application: Synthetic phenoxy resin. Phenoxy resins are mainly involved in blending, used as plastics, adhesives,

Modifiers for coatings and other resins, in electronic computer parts, electrical instrument parts, and food or medicine

Hard packaging and other aspects are also widely used. 3, 3 ', 5, 5'-tetramethyl-4, 4 '-biphenol is use as monomer,

Phenoxy resin containing biphenyl structure was prepared. Due to the biphenyl structure contained in the main chain, the poly (ethylene oxide) resin can effectively improve the poly (ethylene oxide oxide)

Glass transition temperature of the composite. 3, 3 ', 5, 5'-tetramethylbiphenol diglycidyl ether was synthesized.

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